Tuesday 14 November 2017

There are exactly 30 days of school remaining and that is really, very, strange. To think that in just another month I'll go from being a schoolgirl to a preparing-for-boards-and-college girl.

I guess what's even stranger is how I won't miss school. Not sure how to feel about that. Do I cry or do I just be my usual awkward self? It's nothing I can control. Whatever will be will be. Que sera sera. I've changed school so many times I don't really feel particularly sad to be leaving school as opposed to not being able to go to any school any more. That's the sad part. Approaching adulthood.

And maybe I'm just overthinking it and scared out of my mind about inconsequential stuff, but essentially, what I'm griping about here is how time is just flowing past these days, like water. And I don't like how I can't tell that flow to please slow down. It won't listen to me anyway. A flow has a grander purpose than the groans of a 17 year old girl.

A 17 year old girl who will be 18 in a matter of three months, will be giving her boards in barely less than two. My own syllabus hasn't been covered yet. Good grief.

Ah well. Que sera sera.

A few pictures from my last children's day though.