Saturday 11 April 2015

The Art of Spoon Bending.


Much more pointless things have been done than this. 'This' can mean a lot of things but currently it means a singularity. A lazy singularity. But such is the nature of singularities that 'lazy' might not even begin to cover all that is to be covered, and currently I need to cover an important issue.

Oh, before we get to the issue, that purple 'O' over there is me. Say hi guys.

Now back to the issue.

How to bend a spoon. 

I watched The Matrix for the first time, when I was in second grade. Not a particularly high point in my life, but it was nice, and The Matrix was the kind of a movie which just passed over my second-grader head. But the thing that hooked me to the movie was when the bald monk kid is staring at the spoon as if he has constipation, and the spoon fucking bends.

Somehow, it just increased my respect for the movie by a thousand points. Matilda, by Roald Dahl, features a young girl who can do incredible things with her eyes, for instance, write on a blackboard with a chalk to scare her humongous and ugly headmistress away. With just her eyes.

These movies made me attach a certain respect to our wondrous eyes, and I used to stare at a window for minutes, hoping it would just go- crash!
I wish I could say I stared at the window for hours, but everyone I know knows how lazy I am. Again, the lazy singularity.
But then again, aren't we all singularities?

Back to the topic at hand. Spoon-bending.
Yesterday my spoon bended.

Let's assume the entity that speaks to me in my head is called Peach and is, indeed, a peach. And the voice which responds to the initial statement is, Pooh.

Peach: "Wow. It looks bent."
Pooh: "So it does. How'd it happen?"
Peach: "How 'm I supposed to know?"
Pooh: "You aren't?"
Peach: "Well, yea."
Pooh: "This is big. This lazy one has done something only freaky 6 year-somethings can do or weird bald monks can do."
Peach: "I really don't think he was a monk, just a weird bald kid."
Pooh: "Does that even matter?"
Peach: "It does to me. He wasn't a monk. Monks go amok."
Pooh: "Amok...?"
Peach: "Yea! They dance like hooligans on the streets and drink pee and undergo gender reconstruction surgery. Also, most of them have anger management issues."
Pooh: "Actually-"
Peach: "This kid here looks pretty calm to me, even cute."
Pooh: "I think you're talking about 'munk' and even that is not closer to the truth."
Peach: "Meh."
Pooh: "So back to topic..?"
Peach: "She was eating ice-cream."
Pooh: "What?"
Peach: "The girl whose mind we occupy before she erases us. She was eating chocolate ice-cream like a pro at midnight."
Pooh: "..."
Peach: "Her sister starts screaming about ice-cream equality otherwise, you know."
Pooh: "Am I supposed to be the voice of reason, of logic and are you supposed to be the non-linear voice? Yes."
Peach: "Well, Mr. Voice-Of-Reason. Tell me this. Remember what happened when she tried to scoop out ice-cream in the middle of the night with the spoon that's bent now?"
Pooh: "There was a cockroach..."
Peach: "And she killed it."
Pooh: "And in the process, she scooped out too much ice-cream, during which the spoon got bent."
Peach: "Voila."
Pooh: "..."
Peach: "Don't worry though, this was just a case of rememberance of memory, not logic vs. imagination."
Pooh: "Ok..."

What really bothers me is that my voice of reason didn't even bother to ask the non-linear thought pattern maverick about why she lied in the beginning when he asked if she knew why the spoon was bent and she replied in the negative.
More importantly, why is my voice of logic so dumb? .-.

Even more importantly, what was the point of this?

Points are in existence, you see. Even this has a point somewhere, in some alternate universe.

What we learn from this is when you have to bend a spoon and marvel at your awesomeness, be caught in a situation involving ice-cream and a cockroach and be sure to stick in the spoon deep into the ice-cream, so that when you try to scoop it out, it gets bent.
The cockroach is a variable which may be discarded, it's not valid to the equation.
By the way, an equation never actually was in the picture.
Bet you didn't know that.


P.S: That grey 'O' over there denotes creativity. See the displacement?

Have a nice Sunday, whoever is reading this. You know you don't have a life. Just like me. :'3 

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