Saturday 1 April 2017

A sparrow in flight, searching the skies for dreams.

The Tree that Dreams.
The bird twittering on its lowest branch.
A being came out from the darkness, into the light.
Into the light he came, finding fierce agony and pain,
Deceptive feelings plunged into him, sent his heart coursing, soaring, and then at once plopped, rejected, trampled upon.
It was the sign of nature that he still stood, breathless.
Sign of nature that he experienced for the first time that he experienced for the first time what was human happiness and sorrow.
With one look cast at a fallen tree nearby he knew agonized The Tree so much, his heart was drumming fiercely against his chest, struggling within its confines.

He had to explore.

Off they went, heart and he, down the ochre-Earth-mud brown road, laid with perfectly ovular, white, pebbles.
Down the Earthen road, and he found a town-market off track, just beginning, the first signs appearing. Hurrying off the track to the market, he found a purple hood cast on the ground. Picking it up gingerly, clutching his symbol from this world with both hands tightly, he waltzed in. Nimble on his feet. Quick in his thinking. He soon realized the townsfolk viewed him as yet another boy, while he himself remained awestruck at the abundance of titillating visions here. Cart to cart, shackle to tent, house to brothel, he explored it all. Muttering, to himself, to his heart, he went on, thunderstruck and painfully so, love unknown, stabbing at his heart.

At the turn of the road he saw her, just as she was poised to take flight.
Riveting red amidst a sea of brunettes.
She was clumsy, her face was smudged with chocolate he mistook for mud and her knees wobbly.
But when she took flight, despite the sarcastic comment of a middling raven-haired beauty nearby, his Breath nearly left his Being.

In a matter of a singular leaf falling from the Tree- a matter of barely a wink, if you will- he found his head fuzzy. An ecstatic drunkenness overtook him. Years dissipated as they were all replaced with that singular moment. A singular moment of overwhelming, joyous, meaning.
His skin tingling and his heart soaring with her abundance of curls, he forced himself to turn towards the Tree.

What he dared not confess was that now this momentary apparition appeared more beautiful to him than the Tree in all it's perennial glory.

What he did not know was that the Tree rejoiced in his newfound joy, his newfound ecstasy.

Deliriously in astonishment with his new world, he picked up a solitary daisy, losing himself in its milky whiteness, already dreaming of the fair face behind the red curtain. 

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