Sunday 16 April 2017

Cassidy looked out at the Tree again.

Rowan watched her nearby, unsure of approaching.

It was one of those days when the Earthen scents lie heavy in the air, and the white sky flecked with variations of grey illuminates the whole of being with startling clarity. On days such as this the green of the lower branches stood out with more youthfulness than before, and chirping birds struck a gaiety to the general ambience of serenity.

The Tree had many secrets to share as it had idiosyncrasies to be lightly touched upon. Cassidy whistled through broken teeth as a light wind hurried past her face. She held three acorns in her hand. Maybe, she wondered, maybe later she could get some cloud with this. Gammee had promised her sweets anyhow. Gammee could be down in the fields right now, plucking vegetables as she hummed that old song of yore. "It's Presley, dear. P with a puff," she would insist. And with nimble fingers she would pluck cucumber after cucumber, humming, all the while chuckling occasionally at the Tree. The way Gammee chuckled at the Tree it almost seemed as if they were old pals. Perhaps they ever were, Cassidy mused. 'It's not unlikely for Gammee to know things most of us don't.'

Gammee was as shrouded in enigma as the Tree but at least she was reachable. Even now, as Cassidy looked out into the distance, the Tree in the unbridgeable distance looming large, she felt a keen nostalgia of the inexperienced. Wave after wave, this bittersweet feeling washed over her until heavy with heart, she was forced to think of other things. This was when she turned to notice Rowan. 

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