Saturday 20 December 2014


Everything is fake.
That fake smile, those fake words, the fake expression on your face. It's all fake.

But, for who?

For the happiness of someone. So, I guess you can tolerate the weight of the truth bearing down upon you. Because, once revealed, the truth will cause more havoc than what you're going through. More than you can handle.
And now, there goes the noble little woman inside you, saying: The weight you have to bear is nothing compared to the happiness of others.

But, human selfishness is a basic survival instinct.
However noble you might want to be, Science itself says that humans want to be selfish, they want to have everything for themselves.
Does this explain the weight of the truth?
And, what becomes of you?

Can you tolerate the unspoken truth, or will you succumb to it's might and spill the precursor to others' unhappiness?

It depends on how selfish you are, in that moment, I suppose.

And yet, either you'll achieve happiness, at the expense of others'; or everyone will be left sucked out of their perpetual state of happiness.
It will be a real fifty-fifty chance. But, considering that there are more cons than pros, maybe you won't spill, after all.

Maybe the desire of being 'noble' will take over. Your want, will be diminished.
But as an end result of all this turmoil, I ask you, who is the fool here?

Sometimes truth must not be spoken. I agree.

But there also comes a time, when the earlier hid truth can be shared, told, made public.
Then, don't hesitate. Share. And if the others chide you for not telling them 'earlier', then just say-

"I did the right thing."

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